Rewarding the person who commits suicide
My wife used to talk to her relative who was non-mahram on the phone. When this man's wife, who was my wife's cousin sister, found out, she threatened my wife a lot, we did not know about these matters. I didn't know, my wife committed suicide, my wife was a very virtuous woman before she made this mistake. Now I want to ask, will the deceased be forgiven? Suicide is a great sin, and what do I do? What should I do so that he is saved from the punishment of Barzakh and he is completely forgiven?
Suicide is not permissible under any circumstances, there are very strict promises about it in the hadiths; It is in the hadith of Mubarak: The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
"The person who committed suicide by falling from the mountain will always be thrown into hell and will remain there forever and will never come out. will be in the hands of the one who will drink in the fire of Hell, he will remain in Hell forever and never will come out of it. The weapon will be in his hand in the Fire of Hell, which he will thrust into his belly, and he will remain in Hell forever, never coming out of it."
The result of the hadith is that the person who commits suicide in this world will be punished by the same thing in the hereafter. Here "always" means that those who commit suicide knowing it to be lawful will be punished forever, or "always" means that those who commit suicide for a long period of time. They will be tormented.
Because suicide is a great sin, but it does not exclude a person from the circle of Islam, therefore it is permissible to pray for forgiveness and reward for them. Adhikar Nafl Namaz, Nafl Fast, Nafl Tawaf, Nafl Umrah and Hajj, Nafl Qurbani, and give charity to the poor and needy, all these things are included in the reward.
The Marqaat al-Mashayah rate is in Mishkaat al-Mashab:
"وعن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "من تردى من جبل فقتل نفسه ; فهو في نار جهنم يتردى فيها خالدا مخلدا فيها أبدا، ومن تحسى سما فقتل نفسه ; فسمه في يده يتحساه في نار جهنم خالدا مخلدا فيها أبدا، ومن قتل نفسه بحديدة، فحديدته في يده يتوجأ بها في بطنه في نار جهنم خالدا مخلدا فيها أبدا ". متفق عليه
قال الطيبي رحمه الله: والظاهر أن المراد من هؤلاء الذين فعلوا ذلك مستحلين له وإن أريد منه العموم، فالمراد من الخلود والتأبيد المكث الطويل المشترك بين دوام الانقطاع له، واستمرار مديد ينقطع بعد حين بعيد لاستعمالهما في المعنيين، فيقال: وقف وقفا مخلدا مخلدا مؤبدا، وأدخل فلان حبس الأبد، والاشتراك والمجاز خلاف الأصل فيجب جعلهما للقدر المشترك بينهما للتوفيق بينه وبين ما ذكرنا من الدلائل."
(Kitab al-Qisas, 6/2262, T: Dar al-Fikr)